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My Style.


My style can range from Black and White to bright and brilliant colors. I’m still in the learning and growing process so I haven’t really pin pointed my true style that I will stick with, however I do love to shoot Black and white photos as well as Nature photographs. Don’t get me wrong I enjoy shooting Portraits also but people are much more complex to photograph in my opinion. Nature is so much more relaxing and you hardly ever have to actually edit the photograph of nature because if done right you capture the moment perfectly the bliss movement of a river or the beautiful colors of a sunset or even a sunrise. Shooting nature seems so much more magical than just telling someone how to dress and pose for you, In the correct setting however a portrait can still just be as equally magical as a nature photo but there is so much more work being put in to a portrait were as nature photograph is usually all natural and that is something that amazes me. We live on a beautiful planet but not everyone stops to smell the roses or to take in the awe of a sunset, everyone is usually so busy with their everyday lives that we don't take a moment to see how truly blessed we are. So if I as a Photographer can stop and take that one photograph to show someone who may not have stopped to see the same thing to gaze in awe and wonder of nature then I have fulfilled something that truly makes me happy, being able to show someone 



At this moment I am more interested in commercial Photography (both fashion and product) / Bodiour / and creative portraits. 

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