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Jordan-Leigh Didier



Born in Barbados, 1993

2014-2015 Studied at Fanshawe College, London. ON


Started taking photos when I was handed a little point and shoot cybershot Sony camera by my mother for my 14th birthday. I then instantly fell in love with taking photographs, constantly finding and seeing things, which I thought "HEY! That would be pretty interesting to photograph, I wonder if I can manage to capture this moment?" I continued my studies in high school joining a photography club and then doing a small three-week crash course with a well-known photographer in Barbados. I continued to fall more in love with Photography and the many ways one could take a photograph and provide a story within it. 


Graduated from Fanshawe College in 2015,I'm still learning and improving and yes still in love with photography!!


Quote: Eye like a shutter mind like a lens


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